Worried your bathroom isn't equipped for your needs? Let us fix that for you.
Within 2-4 hours, our experts will install a cost-effective model to help you get in and out of the tub safely and easily. With our grab bars and safety steps, you'll get a convenient, more enjoyable way to go about your daily routine. You can also talk to our shower safety experts about ways to customize your bathroom and shower to your unique set of needs.
With our expert ADA and elderly bathroom installations, you'll get the independence you deserve. From bidet installs to walk-in showers, we'll listen to your needs and get you the equipment that will improve your quality of life and make your day-to-day routine simpler.
Our new showers are also easy to use and energy efficient. Shower installations come with our water-tight seal that is backed by a limited warranty.
We have worked with Turriff Plumbing on two big projects over the last eight years--our home and most recently our orthodontic practice. Both Jen and Scott are incredibly detail oriented and provide phenomenal service with great follow through. They truly care about their customers and are fun to work with. I would offer only the highest of recommendations for Turriff Plumbing!!!
-Dr. Ed Lin
Stepping in and out of the tub can be a tough task. A safety step is an easy, economical installation that can be done on your existing tub and have you getting in and out of your bath with ease.
Horizontal and vertical grab bars mounted securely around your toilet and shower / tub is a simple fix that allows for mobility, preventing falls and adding an appealing style to your bathroom.